
Managing existing nominations

To manage the nominations you have submitted:

  1. Click the sport link below.
  2. Login to the sport portal.
  3. Select Teams in the main menu on the left.

Check who has completed their Nomination Form

Any member not displayed in your team list has either: not been nominated, or has not completed their details. 

To remind students to complete their nominations:

  1. Select "manage invites" from the right hand side options
  2. Select checkbox for all, or specific members, to remind
  3. Select "reinvite" from the bulk options drop down list and click "go"

To Email your Team

> All- select "email team" from the right hand side options
> Individual- select a member, then select "email member" from the right hand side options


Nominating additional students

To nominate additional students

  1. Click the sport link below.
  2. Login to the sport portal.
  3. Select "Teams" in the main menu on the left.
  4. Select "manage invites" from the right hand side options.
  5. Select "add invite" and enter the require information.