Can you please summarise the nominations process?

How do I add Team Officials (managers/coaches)?

What rights will Team Officials have once they have been appointed to a team?

Can you please summarise the nominations process?

Of course! It will vary slightly from sport to sport and between Associations. In general:

Individual Nominations (and some Association Team Nominations)

  • Are managed by the Teachers/School Officials first. You can read more about what is required from them here
  • Once Teachers have nominated their students and the Student/Parent has updated their details that Student will be visible in the sport portal. 
  • You will be able to add them to any relevant teams you (i.e. Association or NSW CIS Team). These will already be created by the NSW CIS Staff. 

Some Association Teams

If your Association does NOT require Teachers to nominate their students for Association Teams (i.e. you need to ensure the Student is active in the sport portal). 

  1. Log into the relevant sport;
  2. Select your Association Team;
  3. Select "invite members" from the right hand options;
  4. Enter their name and primary contact email (this should be a Parent/Guardian)
  5. Once they have provided their details the Student will appear in your team list. Please make sure you follow up any Student that are still sitting in manage invites before the trials. 

Major Events

The process for this will be managed differently by each Association. Please contact NSW CIS for more information. 

How do I add Team Officials (managers/coaches)?

To add a Manager/Coach to any team:

  1. Log in to the sport and select your relevant team;
  2. Select "manage invites" on the right hand options and enter their details;
  3. They will receive an email asking them to register/renew and complete their details;
  4. Once this has been completed they will appear in your team list;
  5. You can then edit team and add them as an Official.

       note- if they are already active in that sport (e.g. they are a Teacher that has already renewed/registered when nominating their students you can go straight to step 5

What rights will Team Officials have once they have been appointed to a team?

The purpose of this new website and database is to share the workload and empower individuals. As such, Team Officials will be able to perform a number of actions relevant only for the Students that are in their team. This includes:

  • Invite/Add, & Remove people from that team. 
    When adding people to a team, a list of eligible members will be displayed. This is based off restrictions set by NSW CIS such as age/gender. 
  • Email ALL or SPECIFIC members of that team.
  • View & report on personal information for their team members.
    This allows team officials to access emergency contact information and player positions. 
  • Reissue invitations & login details.
    If a Student can't find their invitation to join a team, Team Officials can reissue it. They can also reissue log in details if a Student needs to log in and update their own details. 
  • Update a Member's details.
    While we would prefer members manage their own data, Team Officials can edit information fields if something is incorrect.